What If You Could Experience Yourself In A Whole New Way?

Through Self-Leadership you can become the CEO of your inner world and transform the way you experience yourself and interact with others.  

  • Perfectionism
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Overachieving
  • People-Pleasing

By leading from your most authentic Self these parts of you can become trusted allies that help you reach your goals and become all that you are capable of becoming . 

Hi, I'm Hilary, and I'm delighted you're here! 


As a Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach in private practice since 2006, I have utilized various psychological models and approaches to help clients reach their goals.  But, y'all I have never seen anything as impactful as Self-Leadership to help people transform their lives.

Whether it's lasting work / life balance, peaceful relationships at home or in the office - inner harmony through Self-Leadership is the key to creating the life you desire.

Get Started With a Free Consultation

What Is Self-Leadership?

Within all of us are the essential qualities we need to create the meaningful, connected life we want.  Yet we're conditioned to believe that someone, or something, outside of us is the key to our happiness.

So we search and we search - for that special someone, or that just-right job that will make everything feel good (finally!).

But spoiler alert...we already have everything we need within us! 

Self-Leadership is a journey back to our most authentic Self - creating the space we need to live our life by design, not by default.  

Let's Get Started

You are the trusted leader your internal team needs.

 This program is ideal for you if:

  • You've achieved all-the-things (marriage, family, the big job) but don't feel fulfilled
  • You are exhausted by the hustle-culture and want to create more space in your life
  • You are burned out and searching for true work / life balance
  • You have big goals but can't seem to get out of your own way
  • You are ready to change how you show up in important relationships 


Learn how to move towards - not away from - your inner world.  Get to know all of the parts of your personality and how they are uniquely equipped to help you create the life you want.


Make space for your authentic Self as you transform how you interact with all of the parts of your personality with compassion and curiosity creating internal harmony and balance. 


Become the CEO of your life as you lead all of the parts of your personality from your C-Suite (Compassion, Curiosity, Connectedness, Courage, Creativity, Clarity, Confidence and Calm) to reach your goals, live your purpose and create the joy-filled life you want. 


Group Coaching is a powerful way to learn and grow. Reach your unique personal goals while you share the energy and encouragement of a safe and supportive group.

Come together with other dynamic, ambitious women and learn how to become the CEO of your inner team.  During weekly group coaching calls via Zoom you will:

  • Learn how to embrace who you are and experience yourself in an entirely new way
  • Get to know all of the parts of your personality and the positive roles they play in your life
  • Connect with your authentic Self (Spoiler Alert! Everything you've ever sought is already inside of you)
  • Become the trusted CEO of your inner team as you become all that you are capable of becoming
  • Gain valuable insights from the diverse experiences and insights of others 

Customized homework assignments between sessions (don't worry, nothing is graded and there's no math involved, I promise!) will deepen your learning and help you reach your goals. 

I am here for you every step of the way as you experience the limitless possibilities of Self-Leadership!

Self-Leadership Group Coaching Program


In this transformative six-week program you will learn how to become CEO of your life through the transformative power of your authentic Self.

  • Participate in dynamic weekly group coaching calls via Zoom
  • Join a safe and supportive community of like-hearted women
  • Gain valuable insights from the diverse experiences and perspectives of others
  • Share the energy and encouragement from group discussions



Have Questions

or think you may prefer to learn about Self-Leadership in a private setting?

No problem!  Schedule a call and let's chat.

Schedule a Free Consultation