Make Your Resolutions Your Reality

Create the Change You Want in the New Year
It’s that time once again. Time to say goodbye to one year and welcome in a new one. Hope springs eternal with each new year. We find ourselves vowing, ”this, this will be the year I ________.”
For some our hopes are focused on our health, for others, it's exciting career goals, and some are simply longing for more happiness – perhaps even joy. Tis the season to make a resolution!
But so often New Year’s resolutions become a source of frustration – we feel like we’ve lost before we’ve even begun. As a matter of fact, of the 40% of Americans who will set a New Year’s resolution, only 9% of those will reach their goal by the year's end. So why is it that we're so psyched to make a resolution but have such a hard time sticking with them for more than a few weeks? How - and why - we make a New Year’s resolution is the key to creating the change we long for.
As you look ahead to the new year, and set goals for yourself, grab something to write with and follow these steps to set and meet your goals this year.
Start With Gratitude
Before we rush to say goodbye, it’s important to reflect on the year that was, and what you’re thankful for. Take the time to jot down your wins for the year.
- What accomplishments are you most proud of?
- What went well at work?
- What were some of your favorite moments with family and friends?
If you need a little nudge, scroll through your camera roll to jog your memory. Chances are you’ll find yourself smiling wistfully as you look back at the last 12 months in pictures. Pause and take a moment to be thankful.
Pay special attention to the gains you made over the last year. Write down the elements of your life that you’ll want to maintain as you continue moving forward. Make a list of the things you’re not willing to give up as you pursue new goals.
Get Clear on What You Want
So often we become comfortably uncomfortable and accept things the way they are because we can’t quite put our finger on what we want most. Desire fuels us, it drives us to do more, and be more of who we truly are. So, take time to sit quietly and consider what you really want in the coming year.
One way to identify what you really want is to consider when you've felt jealous of someone else recently – perhaps it was scrolling through social media, or hearing about someone’s big promotion. While we don’t want to get lost in jealousy, that pang of envy can serve as a helpful guidepost to what our heart desires. It may even lead you to your life’s purpose if you pay close enough attention.
Get Clear on Why You Want It
As Simon Sinek says, ‘why’ inspires action. We all know that change can be tough, but knowing why you want what you want will keep you in that 9% who celebrate reaching a goal on December 31st. A good way to uncover your why is to explore how you’ll feel when you reach your goal. Take a moment to savor that feeling and come back to it if you get off course - it will be your true north along the way.
Pro-tip, your ‘why’ is most likely aligned with your core values. Use this free download to identify your core values – the compass of your life.
Set Yourself Up for Success
Often, we set huge goals for ourselves - a complete overhaul in our health, diet, or relationships – and then experience a sense of loss when we fall short. Set yourself up to succeed by creating goals that are simple and specific. Instead of aiming for ‘being healthy’ set the goal of eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Instead of saying you’ll ‘get in shape’ put a stake in the ground of exercising 30 minutes three times a week. Obviously, your goals will be uniquely yours, just be sure you start small and are poised to make progress along the way.
Get Creative
Now pull it all together in a creative way. When you consider what you want, why you want it, and how you’ll feel when you’ve got it, give thought to what it might look like, or perhaps sound like. Find an image or a word that encapsulates what you’re creating in your life. Create an old-school vision board or search through Google or Pinterest for inspiration.
Put this image or word front and center – make it your wallpaper on your phone and computer, and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Keep it front and center and delight in the feeling every time you see it.
Get Accountable
Finally, keep yourself accountable by sharing your goals with your people. You don’t have to broadcast it out on Insta but confide in someone you’re close to.
We all know accountability drives progress when it comes to goals, but it also creates connection. By being vulnerable and authentic with those you trust you can deepen your relationship AND increase your chances of hitting that goal – bonus! Let your friends, family, and your boo support you.
Whatever is on your heart I’m wishing you all the best as you pursue your goals in the new year. Never stop learning and never stop growing in your pursuit of a life you love. And remember, it’s about progress, not perfection.